Ğ1 Libre Currency Madeira®


The concept behind currency libre, through private research, came from the use of seeds themselves as a currency of exchange, in which whoever owned them could plant them (creating an extra dividend to whoever threw them in the ground and germinated hundreds more), or keep them for a certain period and then exchange them when they saw fit.


The paradigm of currency creation in digital form was proposed by Stéphane Laborde, a French mathematician, in 2010 through the Relative Theory of Currency. He developed a mathematical model that ensures that the creation of currency benefits everyone in equal measure both now and in the future. It is a human-centred currency that generates abundance and discourages predatory or speculative attitudes. Open to all unconditionally, the Free Currency is co-created by each member, in equal parts and without interest, through a daily Universal Dividend. This dividend represents a regular and equitable income for each member, within the June Trust Network.


On 8 March 2017, with 59 founding members, Ğ1 - "June" in Portuguese "Juna" - emerged in France, a digital currency that applies the principles of free currency and uses decentralised blockchain technology to offer maximum security. Ğ1 has already expanded to Belgium, Spain, Canada and other countries organically, through an innovative model - the Trust Network - whereby community building comes before currency creation.


In Portugal, finally, on 12 October 2020, at the Umundu Lx 2020 Festival, the concept appeared in a video conference given by Cristina Coutinho, kapis - Ivan Garcia and Sylvie Duran, you can access it here.


For Madeira it came later, in mid-November 2022 when Jorge of the House of Malheiro of the Lusitanian Confederation and one of the founders of New Germanic Medicine, in Portugal, approaches our madeiran Carlos of the House of Neto for the Junas: to be the currency with the power to free many slaves from slavery. The bells echoed for days and then the process of like an arrow, rescuing his member from the Junas Trust Network took place.


And as "Fortune protects the bold" Carlos promotes a lunch in Cascais, at the Green Affair, on the 4th February 2023, trying to invite as many members and Super-members as possible, and he manages to get Sandra Heleno and Cristina Coutinho, - what lovely Women - )). But even before embarking, he is certified by a French couple Henry (Super-member) & Corine who come to Madeira on holiday and request his services as a mountain guide, with the other 3 certifications he had (Jorge Malheiro, Elizabete Martins and Miguel Lopes) on May 3rd.


On 18th April, Carlos opens the first Node in Portugal (g1.madeirawonders.com), and starts receiving small extra dividends every other day. At the end of the month, Carlos focuses on acquiring Super-Members, making his calculations, he focuses his attention on the Top 1 of the Junas Trust Network, Claire Gason: on May 4 he makes the first contact, and as previously planned he flies to France, driving a car with all his descendants, for 4 and a half hours from Paris Beauvais Airport to Verviers in Belgium, meets her and two other sweet Ladies (Gillette and Basilous), and without asking he was given the precious certification that put his certification quality at 68% to 90.68%. .. BUMMMM!!!


The rest of the story you all know already... chocapic, Chocapic, chocapiccCC for all Madeirans eager to share their goods and services with others with the same need to distribute Abundance.
And happy ending for all! ))


The markets in Madeira Island have always existed, either in the form of direct exchange, of goods and services, or using currency of exchange (insulana, escudo, euro and now also junas).


At the moment, there are some markets that even function as exchanges of goods between the respective participants, which only need a currency of exchange to facilitate the exchanges of common goods between traders. If many of them have the same product it is difficult to exchange for a product they don't need, using the exchange currency makes it easy to exchange for another good in the future.


So the first stage is to assimilate the value or belief of a currency of exchange without being a currency of debt as is the case of the euro, this alternative is possible with the Junas.


There are, on the other hand, already markets functioning 100% in Junas (Ğ1) with many different products and services, mainly in France and Spain.


You can check out GChange, Girala, the Seed Network and even the accommodation on AirBnJune.


Little by little things are moving in that direction in Portugal, but with initial growth much faster than the previous countries, because we Portuguese only move forward when we have proof that it works ... but when we have that proof ... .... nobody stops us! ))

The next markets on the agenda are : 24th February, 17th March, 21st April,...


Duniter  is a free software developed by programmers contributing to the Junas Ğ1 free currency community.


The contribution of Stéphane Laborde with the Relative Theory of Currency and then the programmers who through decentralized blockchain (between several Nodes) managed to materialize the needs of many forming a basis of a software tailored to all Junists.

Through Duniter followed some Clients (services) that managed to bridge the gap between the software and the Junist users such as the famous CesiumGinkgo (as a mobile phone application) and SuperBot (by telegram).


In Madeira, one has managed to make a copy of Cesium itself using the Madeira Wonders server at cesium.madeirawonders.com, where one can use any browser, from any device.

It should be noted that the nodes have to be checked if they are synchronized before users can do their interactions, be it downloads, messages, certifications, likes, etc.

For the Duniter Node we have the verifier here and for the Cesium Plus Node we have it here.

Houses & Stamps

The power of the Houses, their stamps and seals, were with the passage of time taken out of circulation, either by endoutrinement, unaccountability, slavery or simple brainwashing of the new generations (period between 10 and 15 years old), the Houses were forgotten in the memory and in the records of the history that defines us until today.

Having a House, a shield, a coat of arms, a great seal... are things that are accessible to those who seek them, but not everyone wants to rescue them because it implies having honour and responsibility for your actions, creating, exchanging or providing what you need and having the capacity to take care of your affairs without having to delegate that responsibility to someone else. Delegating your responsibility to someone else is an act of violence that creates violence in return for your own lives.

Therefore, as co-creators, we have the opportunity to create and coin our own currency, a currency that should be free from any jurisdictions and linked to the very energy of the living being.

The Junas (Ğ1) make this possible, after becoming a member of the Trust Network, we acquire the universal dividend that is co-created by the member because he is energetically alive. Every year your membership status is re-evaluated, and after a maximum of 2 years of inactivity, if you show no signs of life, the Universal Dividend stops creating on your account.

Through your active account you can also create extra dividends when exchanges of goods and services or other agreements between involved parties, which increases or decreases the existing value in your account.

The Ğ1 Libre Currency Madeira® takes advantage of the sovereigns redeeming their Houses and creating their seals and also encompasses those who, either by necessity or by choice, resort to their services to mint their currency.

Each House will be responsible for issuing ONLY up to the amount it holds in its account or accounts so defined by them (and with access to them).

Monthly the amount of debt created in paper currency of each House will be counted and if this amount is greater than the value of its account or accounts, it immediately enters in dishonor and its seal loses all value until its situation will be repaired. During this period it is communicated to all other Houses and Ğ1 Libre Currency Madeira® that all interactions/transfers with the respective House is only done through the platform, and any paper currency issued by that House ceases to have any value until it regains its Honour.

Until this day of 22nd January 2024 the valid Great Seals of the Houses and Ğ1 Libre Currency Madeira® are:

Casa de Neto

30,411.39 Ğ1

Carlos - devihope: 19,176.48 Ğ1
Olga - OlgaO: 3,440.75 Ğ1
Arina: 2,658.92 Ğ1
Maksim: 2,681.56 Ğ1
Katya: 2,453.68 Ğ1

Roberto da Casa de Abreu

2,415.16 Ğ1


LightWorker: 2,415.16 Ğ1


João da Casa de Gouveia
2,472.16 Ğ1


gouveiajoao: 2,472.16 Ğ1



Ğ1 Moeda Livre Madeira®

1,713.64 Ğ1 + 2,284.60 Ğ1


 To become a Junist member, we have to:


* at least a minimum of 5 members must certify us and, with these 5 certifications, we must reach a minimum of  80% of distance of the web's referent members in 5 steps. This means that all of them have to be 80% connected with all the referring members of the Network of Trust of the Junes within 5 steps. A referring member has to have (at this moment) 7 given certifications and 7 received certifications.


* know, understand and accept the Junes Network License.


* create an ONLY member account on the Junes Trusted Network.


* have saved, in a secure location, the passphrase, password and revocation file (which is used to disable the production of Junes on your account).


* have sent at least one transfer, even if its 1 Ğ1.


How to access Cesium platform, different ways:

 How to Create an account, wallet and member:

How to make transfers between accounts:

We can have more detailed information about the Junes Trust Network (Ğ1) in Portuguese here.


You can test your knowledge, in Portuguese here.


You can access trainings (in Spanish) here and lots of other information here.


Check the availability and status of Junes members here and of future Junes members here.


Other information in short form in links here.

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